Lambton Cattery is a veterinary run boarding cattery that provides the highest standard of care for our clientele and cats.
We are trusted by our customers to provide high quality cat care so that they can spend their holiday, family or hospital visit in complete confidence with peace of mind knowing that their cat is cared for in a secure, hygienic and comfortable environment.
We are sensitive to all their needs and promise to care for your cats as if they were our own.
At Lambton Cattery we have many years of feline experience and believe that your pet should enjoy their holiday as much as you do.
The cattery is small, only 15 runs, so that we can get to know each of our guests properly and consequently we retain a personalised level of service that makes both our guests and their owners welcome.
Chalets are full height and offer different shelving levels, a hide sleeping box and a litter tray. The units are serviced multiple times throughout the day.
All of our guests are provided with a comfortable bed and fleecy blankets however we encourage you to bring in small items that will help your cat settle in his/her second home e.g. a blanket or bed that smells of home or his/hers favourite toy that will help them settle in and feel relaxed and stress free for the duration of their stay.
No dogs are boarded at the cattery, so cats that are nervous or un-used to dogs will be comfortable here.
Our daily routine ensures that we are present in the cattery multiple times throughout the day ensuring your pet gets all the attention they need. Each of our units has a daily chart to monitor litter tray use, feeding, medication and any other health issues if they arise. This enables us to follow the cats daily well-being and engage veterinary care if required. Veterinary fees are charged to the owner but any concerns will be discussed with the owner and consent obtained before any medical intervention is given and fees incurred. If contact with the client is not possible, treatment will take place based on the cat’s welfare.
All of our litter trays, beds and bedding are thoroughly disinfected in between each guest, so you can be sure that your cat is in a clean, safe environment.
Units are separated by a solid brick wall and have their own drainage system to prevent cross infection.
We wish for the environment at the cattery to be as similar to home as possible.
Thus we prefer to feed the same type and frequency of food that you provide for your cat at home to ensure that your cat does not suffer any side effects from a sudden diet change. So we ask you to please bring a sufficient quantity of your cats’ normal food for the duration of their stay. Meals are served twice a day with fresh water but please advise if there are any special requirements. Elderly cats or kittens can be fed more frequently. Any remaining food stock after their stay will be returned back home with them.
All cats entering the cattery must have up to date vaccinations against 3-in1 & Rabies.
These vaccinations must be over 30 days and less than 12 months since being vaccinated. The vaccination card must be brought with you on arrival as proof. No photocopies and/or Vet letter will be accepted, it must be the original vaccination card. Your normal vet can easily re-issue a new vaccination card if you have lost your card.
If you are unsure at all of your cat’s vaccinations please telephone us prior to boarding to discuss this with us. If you bring your pet to us without these valid vaccinations we regret that you will be refused entry.
It is also required that all cats (including house cats) are wormed and treated for ticks and fleas before they are boarded. Please find attached the Treatment Declaration form that must be completed by your vet before boarding. A charge will be made if necessary to purchase flea treatment and deworming from Lambton Veterinary Clinic if your cat has not received the required treatment.
We cannot accept unneutered male or unspayed female cats over the age of 6 months.
(We require proof of documentation that your cat has been neutered/spayed)
Owners must inform Lambton Cattery at the time of booking and arrival of any medical history which may affect the cats stay at the cattery, including any pre-existing or recurring medical conditions.
All our staff are fully trained in the administration of medication and injections (if needed for diabetic cats) and there is a fully qualified vet on duty on site each and every day if there are any concerns.
We do not allow in sharing the unit with multiple cats even if from the same family. Each cat will be assigned their own unit. This is to allow proper monitoring of your cats health, eating and toilet habits and avoid any risks involved (Stress/fighting). We are happy to allow supervised socialisation of the same family cats if you wish for your pets to receive this during the day but they will not be left unsupervised during this time. There is no common social area or mixing with other cats during the stay, this is to avoid any potential spreading of contagious diseases.
We reserve the right to cancel any booking if a cat exhibits overly aggressive behaviour and presents a threat to us and/or other cats boarding with us.
We will isolate your cat pending the time you come back from your holiday.
Please contact us directly or complete and return the attached booking form to enquire on availability for your requested dates. Bookings or enquiries can be made by sending an email to info@lambtonvet.co.za or by phoning the office on 011 827 6246.
Once your boarding form has been sent to us please wait for our response to confirm booking availability. Submitting a boarding form does not automatically secure a booking.
We will then confirm availability BUT only confirm your reservation once your 50% non-refundable deposit is made and a signed completed Booking form and Terms and Condition form is received. We only secure your dates for a 24hr period, so please ensure all documentation is submitted and the deposit is made promptly.
This deposit fee is non-refundable for cancellation within 60 days of check-in date. If you cancel your booking before this 60 day period your deposit will be refunded less R500 which will be charged for administrative fees. Unfortunately, cancellation of the full boarding period within 30 days of its commencement will require payment of the full boarding fees.
Boarding rates are charged on a daily basis including the day of arrival and departure as to allow chalets to be disinfected between boarders. Viewings of the cattery are welcome by appointment.
OFF-PEAK SEASON: A minimum booking of three days is required during the off peak season. Your cat does not have to stay for all 3 days but this is the minimum charge that will be levied.
PEAK SEASON: A minimum booking period of 7 days is required. Your cat does not have to stay for all 7 days but this is the minimum charge that will be levied.
Booking RATES:
EFT Payment Details:
Account Name: Lambton Veterinary Clinic
Bank: First National Bank (FNB) Current/Cheque Account: 62748184025
Branch code: 250655
Reference – Please use your Surname and Cats name as a reference.
Balance of payment must be done via EFT or Card payment PRIOR TO OR ON THE DAY OF DROP OFF. (Not on collection)
Throughout the pandemic, we introduced a system of timed drop off’s and collections for you to attend at the Cattery.
Allocating time slots is done to avoid contact with others and allows us more time with each cat owner to discuss the cats stay with us and any concerns without rushing through things. We feel it provides you with a more personal service on your visits to the Cattery and hopes you will appreciate this when you visit us.
Drop off & Collections are strictly between 11.30 AM and 2.30 PM Monday-Friday.
No drop off or collections are allowed for Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Please telephone us prior to booking to discuss an alternative drop off and/or collection time if you are not able to visit us during these hours so we can try to accommodate your request.
All cats must be brought in a suitable cat carrier. We do not accept picnic baskets or your cat carried out of your vehicle in your arms. We will not be held liable and accountable if your cat is spooked and it decides to leap out of your hands. Please use a proper vet approved or pet shop cat carrier.
It is clearly understood that all cats are boarded at the cat owners’ risk. While all precautions and care is taken, we It is clearly understood that all cats are boarded at the cat owners’ risk. While all precautions and care is taken, we are not liable for escaped cats, accidental injury, sickness, or death while in time of care.